
Policy Priorities 2024-2029

The transition towards renewable energy sources is a critical step in combating climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. However, the intermittent nature of renewables underscores the urgent necessity for robust energy storage infrastructure.

As we approach the European elections and a new legislative term, our Manifesto sets forth three pivotal policy actions aimed at catalysing the deployment of energy storage technologies across the European Union.

By advocating for these measures in the legislative agenda spanning from 2024 to 2029, we seek to propel Europe towards a more sustainable future, both environmentally and economically.

  • Make room for renewables over fossil fuels by lowering the carbon cap for capacity markets EU-wide to reach net-zero by 2040 at the latest.
  • Remove unnecessary burdens on energy storage by supporting a clear and precise EU-wide framework protecting energy storage projects against double charges.
  • Help citizens & industries go green by clearly defining at EU level 24/7 renewable Power Purchase Agreements.


Surprisingly, many financial incentives in place at the EU and national level, still support fossil fuels.

A simple fix is to channel public money towards clean technologies, and exclude the most polluting assets, for instance by conditioning the obtention of public money, to carbon thresholds that need to be progressively lowered.

That is why the Energy Storage Coalition asks policymakers to lower the carbon cap for capacity markets EU-wide to reach net-zero by 2040.


Simple regulatory hurdles hamper the growth of energy storage projects across Europe.

A common example is “double charging,” which happens when energy storage is taxed twice: both when energy is stored, and again when it is re-injected to the grid to be consumed by the end-user.

Accordingly, the Energy Storage Coalition calls for a clear and precise framework protecting energy storage projects against double charges to be supported EU-wide.


It is both the EU’s and national governments’ responsibility to design favourable frameworks to foster successful business cases and provide long-term visibility for energy storage projects.

For instance, companies that want to prove how much non-fossil energy they use are not always able to do so. More tools are needed to have their demand met by real-time clean energy sources, i.e. using renewables and energy storage together. Time-stamped guarantees of origin will be soon transposed into national regulations, but could be reinforced with more legal clarity.

That is why the Energy Storage Coalition calls for a clear EU-wide definition of 24/7 renewable Power Purchase Agreements.

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